Tag: php

Registration activation email script in PHP   In this post I will show you registration activation email script in PHP, which simply means after user will register script will be send on his email to activate his account. Details given Read more…

Simple Registration wizard form in PHP, SQL and jQuery   In this example I want to show you simple registration wizard form in PHP, SQL and jQuery. User can choose previous / next button to navigate through form tabs. Our Read more…

PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox This tutorial helps to add or remove PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox. It also describes how to read the values of dynamically created textboxes and save them to the database. Save textbox HTML in separate Read more…

How to do Php Captcha Contact Form? I will show you how to create php captcha contact form. We will create database and store all user inputs from the form into a table but first what is Captcha? What is Read more…

Insert XML Data to MySql Table Output.   Today I wanted to show you how to insert XML Data to MySql Table Output. First we need to create xmltosql database in our localhost. I didn’t set up a password so all settings Read more…

Watermark in PHP To add watermark in PHP we can use GD function.  On below pictures we have 2 examples of watermarking: first text watermark and second image watermark. PHP / GD Text Watermarking     PHP / GD Image Read more…

Text to an image PHP converter ( GD library )   Today I would like to introduce you text to an image PHP converter ( GD library ). The image-based PHP functions are in GD library and we can use them Read more…

PHP shopping cart with Paypal payment gateway   In this post I would like to show you PHP shopping cart with Paypal payment gateway. The entire introduction will consist from four steps described below:   Step 1: Add to Cart This Read more…

Here is another improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL with action remove item added. You can download and customise it as much as you wish. All supposed to look like that. Create DB called product_samples and import sql file which will Read more…

Shopping cart quantity increment/decrement with Ajax I will explain you Shopping cart quantity increment/decrement with Ajax. In this instructional exercise, we will include increase decrement buttons. They will let us edit the shopping basket item quantity. I decided to add buttons Read more…

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