Category: PHP

Shopping cart quantity increment/decrement with Ajax I will explain you Shopping cart quantity increment/decrement with Ajax. In this instructional exercise, we will include increase decrement buttons. They will let us edit the shopping basket item quantity. I decided to add buttons Read more…

Simple shopping cart /PHP, mySQL Here is really basic shopping cart tutorial. Code is including index.php and test.sql files ( and also 3 pictures ). Index.php Simple PHP Mysql Shopping Cart test.sql For test.sql you need to create new file Read more…

Best websites to learn coding If you ever thought about starting to code or started to code but stucked in the process. Here is the post I belive you will be interested in. In this list I will introduce you Read more…

How to upload image to MySQL using AJAX and PHP?   How to upload image to MySQL using AJAX and PHP? On this question I will answer in this post. Recently I was doing tablet application and I needed the Read more…

Child Theme is a must in Worpress   Let’s answer why Child Theme is a must in Worpress: #child theme Simply put, Child Theme is a copy of the template you use. It is used to save custom changes in template Read more…

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