Php Captcha Contact Form

Php Captcha Contact Form

How to do Php Captcha Contact Form?

I will show you how to create php captcha contact form. We will create database and store all user inputs from the form into a table but first what is Captcha?

What is CAPTCHA?

A CAPTCHA or a “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,” comes in several shapes, sizes and types. These all work quite well against spam, but some are harder to solve than others, some are more fun than others, and some will benefit you monetarily on your website more than others. There are plenty of examples but the most used ones today include: word solving, audio, branded, 3D and math solutions.

Why do you need captcha?

The reasoning behind why websites implement CAPTCHA codes into their registration processes is because of spam. Those “crazy” letters are a way to check if the person registering or trying to comment is a real live human being as opposed to a computer program attempting to spam the site. Yes, it’s the same reason most of us have some form of spam blocker on our email.

Captcha examples

1. The Standard Distorted Word CAPTCHA with an Audio Option

Download full script

Tell me if you use it on your site and what type of captcha are you using?



Hope you learned something new

If you learned something new from this tutorial or if you have any question let me know in comments section.

You can also check my other tutorial how to create contact form with PHP validation.

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