XML Data to MySql Table Output

XML Data to MySql Table Output

Insert XML Data to MySql Table Output.


Today I wanted to show you how to insert XML Data to MySql Table Output.

First we need to create xmltosql database in our localhost. I didn’t set up a password so all settings are default.

Next step is importing our file tbl_tutorials.sql into our xmltosql database.

After importing go to your localhost and xml should be added to our xmltosql database and inserted into tbl_tutorials table.

You should be able to see something like on the pictures below.

Xml into Sql - records added
Xml into Sql – records added
Xml into Sql - database view
Xml into Sql – database view


Hope you learned something new

If you learned something new from this tutorial or if you have any question let me know in comments section.


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