PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox

PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox

PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox

This tutorial helps to add or remove PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox. It also describes how to read the values of dynamically created textboxes and save them to the database.

Save textbox HTML in separate file.
Load and append dynamic textbox.
Remove textbox item on delete event.
Read and insert data into the database on submit.


You have to just follow few steps to proceed to make PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox:


1) Create Database called dynamic_txtbox and import .sql file which will add The Table called item.

2) index.php File

3) input.php File

and some style.css.

After Completed full example, you will get layout like as bellow:



PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox


PHP jQuery SQL Dynamic Textbox Database


Hope you learned something new

If you learned something new from this tutorial or if you have any question let me know in comments section.

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