Improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL

Improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL

Here is another improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL with action remove item added. You can download and customise it as much as you wish.

All supposed to look like that. Create DB called product_samples and import sql file which will create 1 table ( called tblitems)  inside that db.

You can also check my simple shopping cart tutorial which is based on PHP and SQL as well.


Improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL


Shopping Cart Features


  • Add Item To Database ( PHP SESSION to store the cart items )
  • Remove Item  ( remove action with the reference of the item code to clear the particular item of the cart session )
  • Empty Shopping Cart (  PHP unset() to clear the cart session )


Improved shopping cart PHP, mySQL code output


simple cart
simple cart

Hope you learned something new


If you learned something new from this tutorial or if you have any question let me know in comments section.


Download full script

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